2024 – The American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center, Washington DC
2016 – Y: ART Gallery, Baltimore, MD
2015 – Infocus Galerie, Cologne, Germany
2014 – Almlof Gallery, Malmö, Sweden
JRB Art at The Elms, Oklahoma City, OK
2013 - Nordic Light International Festival of Photography, Kristiansund, Norway
2011 - Saul Mednick Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
2010 - Hargate Gallery, Concord, MA
2009 - Maine Art Museum, Bangor, ME
See+ Art Gallery, Bejing, China
Heineman Myers Contemporary Art, Bethesda, MD
Delaware Center for Contemporary Art, Wilmington, DE
2008 - Mesa Contemporary Arts Center, Mesa, AZ
Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Valdivia, Chile
Universidad de Chilie, Santiago, Chile
Centro de la Photographie, Lima, Peru
2007 - Museo Metropolitano, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Universidad Mayor, Temeco, Chile
James Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA
2006 – Heineman Meyers, Bethesda, MD
2005 – Esther Woerdehoff Galerie, Paris, France
Infocus Galerie, Cologne, Germany
2004 – Volakis Gallery, Nappa, CA
2003 – Packard Reath Gallery, Lewes, DE
Gomez Gallery, Baltimore, MD
McDaniel College, Westminster, MD
2002 – Trinity Gallery, Atlanta, GA
2001 – Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego, CA
JJ Brookings Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Galerie Waldburger, Berlin, Germany
Gomez Gallery, Baltimore, MD
Edward Carter Gallery, Lewes, DE
2000 – Centro de la Fotographia, Lima, Peru
Infocus Gallery, Cologne, Germany
JJ Brookings Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Bassetti Fine Art Photographs, New Orleans, LA
Emma Molina Galerie, Monterey, Mexico
1999 – Gomez Gallery Baltimore, MD
Esther Woerdehoff Galerie, Paris, France
Alan Klotz PhotoCollect, New York, NY
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
1998 – Gomez Gallery, Baltimore, MD
1997 – Museo de Arte Comtemporaneo de Panama
Museo de las Americas, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Infocus Gallery, Cologne, Germany
Gomez Gallery, Baltimore, MD
Museo de Barquisimento, Venezuela
Museo de Arte Costarricense, San Jose, Costa Rica
Galeria del Ateneo de Valencia, Venezuela
1996 – Gomez Gallery, Baltimore, MD
Museo Alejandro Otero, Caracas, Venezuela
Witkin Gallery, New York, NY
1994 – Gomez Gallery, Baltimore, MD
Gallery Finfoto, Helinski, Finland
Galleria 13, Espace Van Gogh, Arles, France
Braggiotti Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Galleria e Libreria dell’Immagine, Milan, Italy
The University of Notre Dame, Indiana
1993 – Galerie du Chaeau d’eau, Toulouse, France
Arlington Arts Center, Arlington, VA
Washington Center for Photography, Washington D.C.
Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA
1992 – Witkin Gallery, New York, NY
Suzel Berna Gallery, Paris, France
Grauwert Gallery, Hamburg, Germany
1991 – Momediano Gallerie de Arte, Madrid, Spain
New Works Gallery, University of Illinois at Chicago
The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA
The Nye Gomez Gallery, Baltimore, MD
Blatant Image/ Silver Eye, Pittsburg, PA
1990 – Photo West Gallery, San Diego, CA
Iris Gallery, Boca Raton, FL
1989 – Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO
1988 – The Rosenberg Gallery, Baltimore, MD
The Booktrader’s Gallery, Philadelphia, PA